Our Basecoat Candy Kits are formulated to be the absolute best quality at an affordable price. We concentrated on bringing a distinctive custom Candy effect in an incredibly user friendly system.
Available Exclusively from Auto Paint HQ, Made in the USA.
Our Gallon Kit Includes:
- One Gallon of Charcoal Base Color
- One Gallon of Candy Color
- Two Gallons of Reducer (your choice of speed)
- Also, your choice of a 4:1 mix ratio Gallon of Super Wet Show Clear with Quart Activator (your choice of Activator speed), or a 2:1 mix ratio 5 Liter of Super Wet Euro Clear with 2.5 Liter Activator (your choice of Activator speed).
- Mixing Sticks, Strainers, And Mix Cups
Everything needed to create an incredibly deep custom candy effect, with an ultra high gloss finish, and long durability.
The Charcoal Base Color mixes 1:1 with the reducer making 2 Gallons of sprayable Base. The Candy Color mixes 1:1 with the reducer making 2 Gallons of sprayable Candy. The 4:1 mix ratio Super Wet Show Clear Kit makes 5 quarts of sprayable Clear, while the 2:1 mix ratio Super Wet Euro Clear Kit makes 8 quarts, or 2 gallons of sprayable Clear.
Reducer and Activator speed depends on the temperature of the environment where product will be applied. Select Fast for temperatures below 70 degrees, Medium for 70-85 degrees, and Slow for above 85 degrees.