Chrysler Canbus: Modern Chrysler products like the 300c, Chargers, and Dodge Rams all have super picky “can-bus” systems that monitor for changes in the headlight circuit and cause all kinds of problems when doing an HID conversion. When a normal harness just won’t stop the flickering, we always recommend the Mopar Spec low beam relay harness from Morimoto.
What’s in a Name: Though its name suggests it will only work on a Chrysler vehicle, this harness is becoming more and more commonly needed on a lot of modern vehicles. Don’t have a “lamp out” warning, but suffering from annoying pulsing current coming from your factory headlight circuit and causing your lights to flicker? this is your answer.
Capacitor Link: The Mopar Spec harness is built around our standard HD low Beam harnesses, but there is also a 4700mF capacitor link to help absorb any pulsing signals emitted from the stock output for uninterrupted relay function. No flickering or pulsing!
Don’t Skimp: As one of the most important parts in any HID lighting upgrade; don’t skimp out when it comes to your wiring. It doesn’t matter how good your ballasts are. how good your bulbs are. If your harness is a piece of crap: when it gives out your headlights are gonezo. The Morimoto HD Relay harness is easily worth the premium price compared to cheaper alternatives.
Plug n Play: The layout of the harness makes it easy to install. With just a few simple connections, even your mom could set this thing up! Wire lengths are long enough to be used in everything from compact cars to SUVs and it’s designed to be 100% plug and play (no cutting or splicing needed).
Fail-Safe: Unlike most generic harnesses out there that rely on a single low-quality relay to power both headlights, the Morimoto Harness utilizes one relay per side- so if one did happen fail, you wouldn’t be left completely in the dark. Each 40A relay is completely sealed against the elements using ribbed silicone upper and lower seals, and has an flywheel diode for back-EMF protection. Every other connection harness-wide is sealed with the proper silicone grommets. Live somewhere with weather that regularly sucks? No problem.
OEM Grade: Aside from being ahead of the game from a technical standpoint, the Mopar HD relay is also a work of art. With it’s wiring protected by abrasion resistant Techflex mesh sleeving and OEM-style relay cubes held together by a laser engraved mounting bracket that’s been artfully anodized with a titanium gray finish – the HD relay will look factory fresh under the hood!
Confidence: Order with confidence when purchasing through our website. The products offered have been thoroughly tested to make sure they meet our strict quality standards to ensure the best reliability and performance. We always provide honest feedback on products and helpful tips for any project due to our extensive experience with all makes and models. We offer competitive pricing, fast shipping, and the latest and greatest products from the top manufacturers. Contact us today with any questions; you won’t regret it!